Detecting browser SSL capability with JavaScript

If you run a secured website using HTTPS (aka SSL) it’s often wise to stop or notify users that are using a browser or client that doesn’t support the proper encryption level required.

Here’s a short method to “sniff” the capabilities prior to forwarding users to the secure area. You could add logic to inform the user of the problem.

As usual I’ve stripped a lot of the XHTML markup for readability.

<!– set ‘sslok’ global variable for testing SSL capability –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var sslok = 0;
<!– try including source javascript from secure server, this will set “sslok” to 1 if it works –>
<!– note that the /secure directory is protected so that only 128+bit SSL is allowed –>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
<!– if ssl is 1, our javascript include worked, so SSL is successful – redirect to SSL –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
if (sslok == ‘1’) {
window.location = ‘’;

Contents of the ‘ssl-test.js’ file:

<!– set sslok to 1, so we know this include succeeded –>
sslok = ‘1’;

NOTE: If you use the same ‘filesystem’ for HTTP & HTTPS you might want to use a server-side program (PHP or Java for example) to generate the JavaScript.  Benefit of that process would be that you could also interrogate and return other SSL attributes such as cypher strength.
