Selenium HtmlUnit driver separated in 2.53.0

I’ve been a user of Selenium testing for several years, though I noticed that some classes related to the HtmlUnit WebDriver were missing after upgrading from 2.52.0 to 2.53.0. After some research, I discovered that it is now a separate dependency allowing for a separate release cycle. Additionally, if you don’t use this (relatively generic) webdriver, you will no longer need to have it in your binaries.

Here’s all you need to do to add it to your Maven projects for testing.

In your pom.xml file:



Install Opera Browser on Ubuntu

I was recently attempting to port some older Selenium tests to a new Linux machine and found that I did not have the Opera browser installed. Thus, I submit the following.

There are several ways to go about doing this, depending upon your skills.

1. Most simple IMHO…

  • Add the path to the application file, then install, updates will come as they are released.
    sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
  • Add the following line to the file.
    deb stable non-free
  • Update the software registry:
    sudo apt-get update
  • Install:
    sudo apt-get install opera

2. Another method, with the same results:

  • sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb stable non-free” >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opera.list’
  • sudo sh -c ‘wget -O – | apt-key add -’
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install opera

3. Additionally, you can simply download the files from the Opera website and uncompress wherever desired on your drive.

