Java temporary file directory path

I’ve recently resurrected some old java code that I’d written back when I primarily used Windows instead of Ubuntu for development. In some of that legacy code, the temporary file paths were hardcoded, to make things more modern and portable, The following line is recommended to get the Operating System values regardless of where it is installed and ran. The file separator “slash” can also be determined in this manner.

private static final String TMPDIR = System.getProperty("") +;

Linux/Windows file cleanup

If you make heavy (or even typical) use of your computer, you’ll often notice that it just doesn’t seem as fast as it once was. For a slight increase in performance, disk space and to generally remove some of the ‘temporary’ files/cruft that are routinely written to disk you have a few options.

Here are a few of my current favorites for doing ‘Spring Cleaning’ on my computers… BleachBit and CCleaner

BleachBit is available on all major platforms (Windows, OS/X, Linux).

Windows file cleanup/housekeeping

Since I routinely run WAMP servers (see previous article) and develop primarily on Windows machines, I find that a lot of garbage remains on these machines. Often these files are created temporarily and not deleted and/or are created for some perceiver performance gains. Additionally, its often nice to schedule cleanup operations for times when you are not using the machine…. here’s a few common items to consider.

@echo off echo ======= DELETES =========
del /q %windir%*.log
del /q %windir%*.tmp
del /q %windir%securitylogs*.*
del /q %windir%SoftwareDistributionDataStoreLogs*.*
del /q %windir%msdownld.tmp*.*
del /q %windir%$hf_mig$*.*
del /q %TEMP%msdownld.tmp*.*
del /q %TEMP%*.dat
del /q %TEMP%*.log
del /q %TEMP%*.tmp
del /q %TEMP%*.xpi
del /q %TEMP%sess_*.*
del /q %TEMP%logs*.*
del /q c:*.log
del /q c:logs*.*
del /q /s %USERPROFILE%*.dmp
del /q /s %USERPROFILE%SIDisttemp*.*"
echo ======= Prefetch ==========
del /q %windir%Prefetch*.*
echo ======== DEFRAG ===========
%windir%system32defrag.exe c: -f -v >%TEMP%batch_defrag.txt
echo ========= done ============


echo ======== ANALOG ===========
cd c:analog6.0 analog +glocalhost.cfg
echo ========== IP =============
%windir%system32ipconfig.exe /all > %TEMP%batch_ip.txt
echo ======== NETSTAT ==========
%windir%system32netstat.exe -a > %TEMP%batch_netstat.txt

NOTE: this entry will be updated occasionally!