MVC from a Java perspective.

I’ve been asked to explain this concept on a pretty regular basis by non-programmers… to a visual ‘presentation’ developer, this is essentially the same reason a person would chose to use CSS with HTML (to seperate data from presentation), only it goes a bit further…

  • Controller – extends HttpServlet, acts as the point of entry into the application, and delegates to various worker classes to fulfill a request. In particular, the Controller is a user of Model and View objects
  • Model – data-centric classes encapsulating problem domain objects. Each class corresponds roughly to the rows of a database table. Model objects can be constructed from a ResultSet of a database query, from user input, or from user request parameters.
  • View – implemented as Java Server Pages (or a similar tool), primarily concerned with presentation and formatting of Model objects which have been placed in scope by the Controller (or its delegate)


Using this will increase branding efforts by displaying and icon in the users browser while they are on the site, as well as showing it in their bookmarks.
If you do not add this file, there are two potential (neutral/negative) effects:

  • The default icon from the webserver may be shown (example: sun/iplanet).
  • The default icon from the browser will be shown – additionally resulting in a ”’404 Not Found”’ in your webserver logs.

The standard location for this file is the webserver root, you MAY specify other locations, but not all browsers will retrieve it (unless you explicitly define it in your HTML).

Additionally, to be selective you can add HTML markup to the <head> section of each page.


<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" title="FAVICON" />

NOTE: title is optional, type is preferred, rel and href are mandatory.