A Flexible AJAX Framework

AJAX = Asyncronous (but not always), JavaScript, XML (Text or JSON). These technologies have been around almost as long as the Internet itself, but have only recently been used together to change the way that web applications are built.

XMLHTTPRequest is an API used mainly by browser-based Javascript applications to send and retrieve data from servers. It was developed originally by Microsoft for Exchange Server’s Outlook Web Access, but it has since been widely supported in browsers and is the heart of AJAX dynamic Web applications.

I’ve messed with many of the frameworks available online, and while they are very good, I’ve routinely found issues or features that they lack. Over time I’ve cobbled together my own framework, I fully expect this to change over time, but publish it here for your consideration!

The XSS methods (and “otherHost” variable) are provided as MSIE6 allows for Cross-site Scripting here. MSIE7 and Mozilla will indicate errors if connections are attempted to a ‘non-originating host’. I’ve exploited this vulnerability in a few applications, as such I provide the test for you too!

NOTE: The example response program is written in PHP, but should be easily ported to any other language.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">



<title>AJAX Example</title>

<script type=”text/javascript”>

var xbusy = true;

var otherHost = ‘http://www.giantgeek.com’; // DO NOT USE the ending slash!

var xhr = null;


* Check for existance on DOM browsers (Mozilla, etc.)

* @return xhr


function ajaxCheckDOM(){

var myxhr = null;

if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {

try {

myxhr = new XMLHttpRequest();


catch(e) {}


return myxhr;



* Check for existance on Windows/MSIE (prior to MSIE7 which is now DOM)

* Evaluate using – new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLDOM”);

* @return xhr


function ajaxCheckActiveX(){

var myxhr = null;


try {

myxhr = new ActiveXObject(“Msxml2.XMLHTTP”);


catch(e) {

try {

myxhr = new ActiveXObject(“Microsoft.XMLHTTP”);


catch(e) {}



return myxhr;



* This is a default response hook for AJAX, you SHOULD create your own as it’s only for DEMO

* @param obj – the clicked item

* @param customObj – user defined


function ajaxResponseHook(obj,customObj){

var txt = xhr.responseText;// NOTE: xhr.responseXML is also valid

popStatus(‘AJAX Response value [‘ + txt + ‘|’ + customObj +’]’,”);



* This is a common Response handler AJAX, you SHOULD NOT need to modify, use a ‘custom’ ajaxhook function to process the responses.

* @param obj – the clicked item

* @param ajaxhook Function (default will be used if undefined)

* @param customObj (optional – left for developer implementation, passed to the ajaxhook)


function ajaxResponse(obj,ajaxhook,customObj){

var status=”;


var state=xhr.readyState;



var code = xhr.status;

status = xhr.statusText;


popStatus(‘AJAX Response Received.’,”);


ajaxhook = function(){ ajaxResponseHook(obj,customObj); }




} else {

popStatus(‘AJAX Error ‘ + code + ‘ ‘ + status + ‘.’,”);



xhr=null; /* MSIE6 leak fix */






* NOTE: MSIE6-7 supports XSS url’s (be careful!)

* @param obj – the clicked item

* @param url – the GET url params (FQDN)

* @param async (true or false) – false will LOCK browser until response – use cautiously!

* @param callback Function – allows for customized response handling


function ajaxObj(obj,url,async,callback){

if(xbusy == true){

popStatus(‘AJAX BUSY, Please Retry.’,”);

} else {


callback = function(){ ajaxResponse(obj,hook,”); }






* This is a Non-Caching implementation of ajaxObj() to show how you can avoid the MSIE caching issue.

* NOTE: You can use similar approaches to cache per page or session.

* @param obj – the clicked item

* @param url – the GET url params (FQDN)

* @param async (true or false) – false will LOCK browser until response – use cautiously!

* @param callback Function – allows for customized response handling


function ajaxObjNoCache(obj,url,async,callback){

var cacheBuster=uniqueUrl(url);// damn MSIE!




* Initializes the AJAX operation

* @param obj – item clicked

* @param url – FQDN

* @param async (true/false) – for locking

* @param callback Function – provided for customization.


function ajaxInit(obj,url,async,callback){







popStatus(‘AJAX Start.’,”);

xhr.onreadystatechange = callback; // method call

try {

xhr.open(‘GET’,url,async); /* POST */


xhr.send(”); /* null */





var code = xhr.status;

var status = xhr.statusText;

popStatus(‘AJAX Client SECURITY ‘ + navigator.appName +’ ‘+ navigator.appVersion + ‘ ‘ + code + ‘ ‘ + status + ‘.’,”);




} else {

popStatus(‘AJAX Client ERROR.’,”);



function ajaxBusy(obj,yn){



} else {





function xmillis(){

return new Date().getTime();


function swapStyleObj(obj,oldCSS,newCSS){

if(obj!=undefined) {

var current=obj.className;


var txtOld = current.replace(newCSS,’ ‘);//no doubles

var txtMid = txtOld.replace(oldCSS, ‘ ‘);

var txtNew = (txtMid + ‘ ‘ + newCSS);

obj.className = txtNew;

} else {

obj.className = newCSS;




function xbusyInd(valnew, msg){

xbusy = valnew;



if(msg != ”){






} else {






function showDiv(id) { //show a div

var obj=xgetHelper(id);

if(obj!=null){ obj.style.display=”block”;}



function hideDiv(id) { //hide a div

var obj=xgetHelper(id);

if(obj!=null){ obj.style.display=”none”;}



function popStatus(txt,title){



function popit(dynId,arrowId,ulId,divId,txt,expand,title,cssCls){



if(expand == true){

var arrowObj=xgetHelper(arrowId); if(arrowObj!=null){ arrowObj.style.backgroundPosition=’2px -106px’; }




function popText(id,txt,title,cssCls){

var obj = xgetHelper(id);

if(obj != null){

var oldHTML = obj.innerHTML;

var cls=”; if(cssCls!=”){ cls=’ class=”‘ + cls +'”‘; }

var htm = ‘<‘+’li’+ cls +’>’ + txt + ‘<‘+’/’+’li’+’>’ + oldHTML;

obj.innerHTML = htm;



function xgetHelper(id){

var obj = null;

try {

obj = document.getElementById(id);

} catch(z) {

var dummy=alert(“Error:” + z);


return obj;


function arrowTog(objectID,arrow) {

var obj = xgetHelper(objectID);


if (obj.style.display ==’block’) {

arrow.style.backgroundPosition = ‘2px -21px’;}

else {arrow.style.backgroundPosition = ‘2px -106px’;}



return false;


function objTog(objectID) {

var obj = xgetHelper(objectID);


if (obj.style.display ==’block’) obj.style.display=’none’;

else {obj.style.display=’block’;}


return false;


function headTog(objectID,arrow) {

var obj = xgetHelper(objectID);


if (obj.style.display ==’block’) {

arrow.style.borderBottomWidth = ‘1px’;}

else {arrow.style.borderBottomWidth = ‘0px’;}



return false;



* adds timestamp to URLs to make them unique

* @param URL String


function uniqueUrl(x){

return urlAppender(x,’.cache’,xmillis());



* helps to add parms to the url

* @param URL String

* @param aname String

* @param avalue String


function urlAppender(x,aname,avalue){

var delim = “?”;

if(x.indexOf(“?”) >=0) { delim = “&”; }

return x + delim + aname + ‘=’ + avalue;


function xload(){




function testAjax(obj){

var callback=function(){ ajaxResponse(obj,null,’testAjax’); }

var x = ajaxObjNoCache(obj,’/ajax.php’,true,callback);


function testAjaxParms(obj){

var callback=function(){ ajaxResponse(obj,null,’testAjaxParms’); }

var x = ajaxObjNoCache(obj,’/ajax.php?testing=Y’,true,callback);


function testAjaxXSS(obj){

var callback=function(){ ajaxResponse(obj,null,’testAjaxXSS’); }

var x = ajaxObjNoCache(obj,otherHost+’/ajax.php’,true,callback,otherHost);


function testAjaxHook(obj){

var hook=function(){ customAjaxHook(obj,’ajaxhookTestMessageObect’); }

var callback=function(){ ajaxResponse(obj,hook,’testAjaxHook’); }

var x = ajaxObjNoCache(obj,’/ajax.php’,true,callback);


function testAjaxHookXSS(obj){

var hook=function(){ customAjaxHook(obj,’ajaxhookXSSMessageObect’); }

var callback=function(){ ajaxResponse(obj,hook,’testAjaxHookXSS’); }

var x = ajaxObjNoCache(obj,otherHost+’/ajax.php’,true,callback);



* This is a custom implemenation, the customObj COULD be used for anything (perhaps delay measurement!)

* @param obj – the clicked item

* @param customObj – user defined


function customAjaxHook(obj,customObj){

var xml = xhr.responseXML;// NOTE: xhr.responseText is also valid

var tmp = ‘DEMO customAjaxHook [‘ + customObj + ‘]\n’ + xml;




<style type=”text/css”>

.busy { color:red; }

.idle { color:black; }



<body onload=”xload();”><!– onbeforeunload=”alert(‘before’);” onunload=”alert(‘after’);” –>

<div id=”throbber”>WORKING!</div>

<div id=”statusdiv” class=”dyn” style=”display:none;”>

<h3><a id=”statusarrow” onclick=”headTog(‘statusdyn’,this);” href=”javascript:void(0);”>Status</a></h3>

<fieldset id=”statusdyn” style=”display:block;background-color:#ffffcc;”>

<div id=”statusBox” class=”box”>

<ul id=”statusul” class=”error”>

<li id=”ajaxStatus” style=”list-style:none;display:none;”>FILLER</li>





<h3><a href=”javascript:void(0);” onclick=”testAjax(this);”>TEST</a></h3>

<h3><a href=”javascript:void(0);” onclick=”testAjaxParms(this);”>TESTPARMS</a></h3>

<h3><a href=”javascript:void(0);” onclick=”testAjaxXSS(this);”>TESTXSS</a></h3>

<h3><a href=”javascript:void(0);” onclick=”testAjaxHook(this);”>TESTHOOK</a></h3>

<h3><a href=”javascript:void(0);” onclick=”testAjaxHookXSS(this);”>TESTHOOKXSS</a></h3>

<p><a href=”index.php”>RELOAD</a></p>



Response program (ajax.php)


header(“Cache-Control: no-store”);

header(“Charset: UTF-8”);

header(“Content-Type: text/xml”);

echo(“<?xml version=\”1.0\” encoding=\”UTF-8\”?>\n”);


<test><?php echo( gmdate(“D, d M Y H:i:s”) ) ?> </test>

What are the MSIE Bugs you might ask… these are all in the ActiveX implementation of XmlHttpRequest, they are:

  1. Caching – for some reason, unless you define a ‘unique’ URL for each request, MSIE6 will respond from the cache, even if the server is unreachable!
  2. XSS – I discussed this above, MSIE6 will allow you to connect to ANY HOST with AJAX!
  3. Memory leak – if you don’t nullify the XHR object (for MSIE6), the application will leak memory.
