Conditional Comments cause CSS to block

Here’s an odd one…. I’ve found that if you use the common method of using Conditional Comments to separate MSIE specific CSS, you’ve likely added a performance problem without knowing it… that is, in addition to the network connection and time required for the different CSS files.

It turns out that the standard use of this approach blocks the other downloads until the main CSS is loaded.

The solution is both simple and painless to implement…. a quick solution to this is to add an empty conditional comment early on, that is, before the main content (CSS) is loaded.. This works for all approaches, such as those where comments surround the <body> or various <link>, <style> or <script> tags.

Personally, I like to do this immediately after the DOCTYPE and before the <html> tag. Additionally, since IE10 dropped support for this technique, I’ll just target IE 9 and below for any developer that comes after me.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if lte IE 9]><![endif]-->
<html lang="en">


Version Control comments

When working on large, multi-group projects I’ve found that it often helps to have information about the ‘version’ of an asset written into the source file (HTML, JSP, PHP, CSS, JS, or other ‘text’ formats).

This is easily accomplished with most version control packages and is done automatically if the following are added inside of an appropriate comment section in the file. The below examples are Java based, but can be easily adopted to any file type.

This is especially helpful when reviewing JavaDoc, and crucial for deployed text files such as CSS and JS as it makes debugging them much easier.

These work with CVS, Subversion, Serena Changeman DS, MKS Source Integrity and a variety of other products.

Raw Source:

$Id: $
$Author: $
$Revision: $
$Date: $

$Log: $

At check-in becomes:

$Id: project.readme 1.1 2007/07/30 10:42:39CDT Scott dev $
$Author: Scott $
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Date: 2007/07/30 10:42:39CDT $

$Log: project.readme $
Revision 1.1 2007/07/30 10:42:39CDT Scott
Scott. test
