CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) was once the leader in the version/revision control space. Unfortunately, it has been neglected for years and most application developers have moved to different systems such as Subversion(SVN) or Git.

March Hare took ownership of the CVS code and made the last few releases available for free on Windows as CVSNT, however their software will make prompts to purchase a supported copy and add messages to commit logging.

Committed on the Free edition of March Hare Software CVSNT Client.
Upgrade to CVS Suite for more features and support:

While I openly support development of software such as CVS, these dialog messages and commit logs are often annoying. To remove them on Windows, a simple registry change must be made:

One or both of these may exist on your system, change value to ‘yes’.
HKLM/Software/cvsnt/PServer, "HaveBoughtSuite"="yes"
HKLM/Software/CVS/PServer, "HaveBoughtSuite"="yes"


Version Control comments

When working on large, multi-group projects I’ve found that it often helps to have information about the ‘version’ of an asset written into the source file (HTML, JSP, PHP, CSS, JS, or other ‘text’ formats).

This is easily accomplished with most version control packages and is done automatically if the following are added inside of an appropriate comment section in the file. The below examples are Java based, but can be easily adopted to any file type.

This is especially helpful when reviewing JavaDoc, and crucial for deployed text files such as CSS and JS as it makes debugging them much easier.

These work with CVS, Subversion, Serena Changeman DS, MKS Source Integrity and a variety of other products.

Raw Source:

$Id: $
$Author: $
$Revision: $
$Date: $

$Log: $

At check-in becomes:

$Id: project.readme 1.1 2007/07/30 10:42:39CDT Scott dev $
$Author: Scott $
$Revision: 1.1 $
$Date: 2007/07/30 10:42:39CDT $

$Log: project.readme $
Revision 1.1 2007/07/30 10:42:39CDT Scott
Scott. test
