document.write() Intervention!

The use of document.write() has always been a bad "code smell" in JavaScript. Most web performance guides such as WebPageTest…


SameSite cookies

Recently, while reading through the updated 2017 OWASP Top Ten RC1 documentation, last updated in 2013, I noticed a recommendation…


Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (SJCL) JavaScript encryption

I found this while looking for a means to do some simple encryption in Javascript for a browser based application.…


CSS font-smoothing

You might be tempted to use the full capabilities of your browser to do things such as font-smoothing, but it's…


HTML5 autofill using autocomplete

Once in a while, the web development community reintroduces old ideas in a new way. Years ago, there was a…


Modify Ubuntu Swappiness for performance

Sometimes, it is possible to improve the performance of Ubuntu on older hardware by modifying the disk swapping behavior. Check…


Sonatype Nexus2 Repository Manager OSS

To allow for repeatable, faster builds in a continuous build environment, it's often a good idea to use a central…


Google Chrome installation for Ubuntu

With a few simple steps, Google Chrome can be installed on Ubuntu. wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key…


Clear Ubuntu ‘bash’ history

After a lot of use, your history file can become full of a lot of old commands... once in a…


Adding OpenSSH server logs to Splunk

By default, in most Linux distros, OpenVPN log output goes to the authlog, which is usually at /var/log/auth.log, as such…
