Gradle dependency versions plugin

Developers often have a lot on their plates, maintaining current version of their library dependencies often takes a back seat…


Clear-Site-Data HTTP Header

In an effort to improve security on the client-side modern browsers have introduced a means to allow for web applications…


Global Privacy Control (GPC) – Sec-GPC HTTP Header – /.well-known/gpc.json file

GPC is the latest attempt at allowing customers to specify how their browsing data is to be shared online, the…


security.txt files

Similar to robots.txt and humans.txt is a recent addition of a security.txt file. This is currently a draft proposal to…


SameParty cookie attribute

While Google has made strides to remove cookies, there was a recent addition to the Chromium product upon which Chrome,…


Cookie Priority attribute

While Google has made strides toward removing cookies, this new feature was recently added in Chrome 81+ in what appears…


USB Data-Blocker aka USB Condom

I was recently reading Kevin Mitnick's "The Art of Invisibility" and found that he'd also recommended these devices. I've been…


Google Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) – optout

Google Chrome 89 and other browsers based upon it such as Chromium Edge have introduced a new capability known as…


Javascript let keyword

ECMAScript 6 (ES2015) added the 'let' keyword. let works a lot like the legacy 'var' keyword, but adds scoping capabilities.…


Javascript const

Formally introduced in ES6, const was introduced in JavaScript 1.5 and was a Mozilla-specific extension and not part of ECMAScript…
