<option disabled=”disabled”>?</option> not implemented in MSIE

This was a complete shock to me recently, even after years of ‘assuming’ that something this simple would be well supported… after all, this is pretty basic.

All modern browsers Mozilla (Firefox), Safari, Opera, even old Netscape (eg: 4.x) browsers work properly with the following code and comply with the W3C HTML specification making the value “Two” unable to be selected by the user within the browser… MSIE doesn’t comply and allows the user to select it!

<form name="example" action="#" method="get">
<select name="test">
<option value="1">One</option>
<option value="2" disabled="disabled">Two</option>
<option value="3" selected="selected">Three</option>
<option value="4" style="color:green;">Four</option>


This ‘failure’ to support standards actually seems to be due to the way the <select> tag is handled by the browser… it passes off control to the operating system (Windows). Obviously, Microsoft was able to pass along ‘other’ attributes, like ‘style’ in the example above, but chose to not support ‘disabled’.

In this case, the developer is left to find a solution… easiest is to just remove the unwanted value from the list of options, otherwise it requires extensive amounts of JavaScript.

Good luck!

NOTE: Tested on MSIE 6.0 (WinXP), hopefully Microsoft will fix this in MSIE7.

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