Install SonarQube for Continous Inspection

Installation of Sonar requires but a few simple steps, though they can be rather obscure to many developers.

Connect to MySQL:

  1. CREATE DATABASE sonar CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
  2. grant all privileges on sonar.* to 'sonar@localhost' identified by 'sonar';
  3. flush privileges;

Easiest method, if you are on Ubuntu:

  1. sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. Then add the following line:
    deb http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sonar-pkg/deb binary/
  3. sudo apt-get update
  4. sudo apt-get install sonar
  5. You will then have to stop/start as above to edit the configuration, generally to change database config:
    sudo vi /opt/sonar/conf/sonar.properties

Manual installation (and upgrade?) if you prefer to do things the hard way 🙂

  1. Download and unzip the release:
    wget http://dist.sonar.codehaus.org/sonar-3.6.1.zip
    unzip sonar-3.6.1.zip
    sudo mv sonar-3.6.1 /opt/sonar
    sudo rm -r /opt/sonar (to remove old link)
    sudo ln -s /opt/sonar-3.6.1/ /opt/sonar
  2. cd /opt/sonar/conf
  3. vi sonar.properties
    (uncomment lines for MySQL, comment out H2)
  4. sudo cp /opt/sonar/bin/linux-x86-64/sonar.sh /etc/init.d/sonar
  5. sudo vi /etc/init.d/sonar
    add the following 2 lines:


  6. sudo update-rc.d -f sonar remove
  7. sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/sonar
  8. sudo update-rc.d sonar defaults
  9. /etc/init.d/sonar start


Upgrades can be a little odd, if you see the maintenance page at http://localhost:9000/maintenance, go to http://localhost:9000/setup and do the required steps.


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