What is a TLD (Top Level Domain)?

I occasionally get this question, as many technical people don't fully understand it. A TLD is 'actually" the last section…


Open source planetarium software

One of the first applications I ever saw on a (original) IBM-PC was planetarium.  Additionally, in my "Navy Days" I…


MSIE’s flawed SSL implementation

This has been quite frustrating. It seems that Microsoft has again ventured from complying with the industry web standards in…


Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

I've used PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) since I was in college. It provides for both digital signatures and strong encryption…


MSIE6 CSS issue ‘dotted’ behaves like ‘dashed’

Another fix in MSIE7 (broken before), 'dotted' is now implemented, in MSIE6 dotted had the same visual representation as 'dashed'.…


Clientside Session Timeout’s

There comes a time in web application development that you need to 'timeout' idle users. This comes in a variety…


Clientside sorting of HTML TABLE in JavaScript

To save network bandwidth and server resources, it is often beneficial to to sorting of tabular data on the client.…


Detecting browser SSL capability with JavaScript

If you run a secured website using HTTPS (aka SSL) it's often wise to stop or notify users that are…


Javascript ‘Response Time’ measurement (latency)

Here's another 'fun' trick. When you build complex web applications, performance metrics start to become an issue. Unfortunately, web tools…


Adding Support for ‘disabled’ OPTION tags in MSIE

This is a very annoying bug/oversight in MSIE (including the recently released MSIE7!). For some reason, Microsoft didn't implement the…
