Proxy Auto-config

There comes a need for many organizations (or individuals) to establish proxy servers on their network. This is usually done…


PHP on Apache 2.2 (Win32)

This came as a shock to me a while back, when i started evaluating an upgrade to Apache 2.2 from…


Seeding the search engines for free…

It gets harder each day to do this, but here are a few resources to initiate your search engine listings.…


JavaScript (intro)

JavaScript is one of the foundations of the internet as we currently know it, but is often misunderstood. It is…


Prior works…

I started my Internet career while still in college and working at a small (<10 employees) marketing company (NEWMAX, which…


<option disabled=”disabled”>?</option> not implemented in MSIE

This was a complete shock to me recently, even after years of 'assuming' that something this simple would be well…


CSS implemention in HTML

CSS = Cascading Style Sheets, this is done primarily to externalize the 'look and feel' of a web page from…


Why <!DOCTYPE …>?

The !DOCTYPE directive is one of the most commonly misunderstood parts of markup in the entire page, additionally, most WYSIWYG…


Enabling A Secure Apache Server w/SSL Certificates

If you've taken some time to wander around my site, you may have noticed that I also have SSL enabled…


NOTE: this process is obsolete, from what I can gather it was only supported in MSIE6, and possibly MSIE7. Use…
