Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon crowdsources some work for humans that computers just cannot complete. Tasks often pay only a few cents to a few dollars each. If you have some time to spend and want to do what is usually pretty simple work such as completing identifying information in photos, to more complex tasks such as translations. You can always set up an account and complete a few HITS to get a feel for it. I’d done this many years ago when it was relatively new and was able to earn a few dollars, some people claim to easily make $50/day.


RetireJS for Eclipse extension

Several years ago I wrote an Eclipse plugin to help me identify vulnerable javascript libraries using RetireJS. On a whim, I finally got around to submitting it to the Eclipse marketplace last week and it was approved.

This addresses a common OWASP Top-Ten item – A9:2017-Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities.

For Non-Developers… in English, while software developers are creating websites they often use open-source libraries such as jQuery (or literally thousands of other libraries) to simplify their development. Eventually, almost all software is identified as being vulnerable to various attacks. This tool makes it easier to scan and report on libraries that might be used in an application so that they can be updated or replaced.


Neofetch for displaying system information

Originally designed for use in demonstrations on Linux bash in an easy to understand way that could be used in screenshots and demos. In my experience I’ve found that it also makes it easier to review details of remotely administered and virtual machines or images when performing maintenance.

Neofetch shows Operating System, uptime, CPU, GPU, and memory information. While built for linux bash, it can also be installed on macOS and Windows machines.

Installation for Linux is as simple as:
sudo apt install neofetch


Microsoft ending support and removing Legacy Edge on Windows 10

Another Microsoft browser bites the dust. Legacy Edge, the original “Edge” on that was designed to replace MSIE on Windows 10 before Microsoft changed direction and used the same underlying engine already used by Chromium, Chrome and Safari is finally going away. During it’s short tenure and overlap with Chromium Edge, it’s lead to a lot of confusion by users that are not aware of the vastly different versions of ‘Edge’. Fortunately its support ended on March 9th, 2021 and it will be removed by Windows Update with the upcoming patch expected on April 13th 2021.


A very long time ago there was an online means to identify yourself online with a short abstracted code that resembled a PGP email signature, at that time I identified as:

Version: 3.12
Created: 1999/02/02
GCS/IT d-(++@) s+:+ a- c++ UL++(++++$) P+++$ L+ E W+++$
N++ o++++ K w+++ O M V PS+ PE++ Y++ PGP+++ t+ 5 X++ R(-)
tv+ b+ DI+++ D+ G++ e++ h(-) r>++ y++*


Minify .js files during Maven builds

Minifying files for use on the web is essential to improving performance, to reduce network overhead as well as a slight bump in execution speed.

Long ago I used the YUICompressor plugin for both JS as well as CSS files, unfortunately that project appears to have been abandoned many years ago and no longer functions well for JS files that make use of modern features.

For JS files, I’ve found that most capabilities can be replicated with the following in the pom.xml:

<!-- not supported (always uses .min) <suffix>-min</suffix> -->

NOTE: the only feature I have not yet been able to match is the suffix, as it appears to always use *.min.js (where I used to prefer *-min.js).

An additional advantage of using the plugin is that many common syntax errors will be identified at build time, before they cause user problems… but they will also break your build!


Minify .css files during Maven builds

Minifying files for use on the web is essential to improving performance, to reduce network overhead as well as a slight bump in execution speed.

Long ago I used the YUICompressor plugin for both JS as well as CSS files, unfortunately that project appears to have been abandoned many years ago but is still effective for CSS even if it is less useful for modern JS.

NOTE: default extension uses -min, to change it set property ‘maven.yuicompressor.suffix’ to the desired value, such as .min to match GCC used for JS.

For CSS files, you can use following in the pom.xml (JS is also possible if you are not using ES6 features):

<nosuffix>false</nosuffix><!-- false will create -min versions, true does not -->
<gzip>false</gzip><!-- create .min.gz files -->
<exclude>**/*.js</exclude><!-- YUI cannot handle ES6 const let, use closure-compiler instead -->


Enabling HTTP/3 (QUIC) in browsers for improved network performance

Back in 2015, Google introduced SPDY as a method of improving TCP connections. HTTP/3 now improves upon that by removing the blocking of TCP with the use of UDP (QUIC).

Firefox: currently disabled by default in version 85, to enable use about:config and set network.http.http3.enabled = true

IOS Safari 14+: currently disabled by default, but can be enabled under Settings > Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features > HTTP/3

Chrome/Chromium: current versions 88+ are currently implementing by default.

Chromium Edge: as new versions are based upon Chromium, support should follow Chrome.

MSIE: was never and will never be implemented.


After a very long run, Adobe Flash is dead!

This was very long overdue for a variety of reasons. While Flash became almost ubiquitous on the web under Macromedia before being acquired by Adobe, it was also full of .
Apple never offered Flash on it’s mobile devices and helped to drive developers to make use of modern HTML5 to accomplish many of the same effects.
Flash “cookies” were buried deep within the application and were not easily removed by users making them very useful for tracking users.


Step Date
End of Life Announced July 25, 2017
End of support December 31, 2020
Flash blocked January 12, 2021


Browser Blocked Removed
Chrome 76 88
Firefox 69 85
Safari 14


ads.txt file

There are many files that crawlers expect to find in well-known locations on websites, one such file is ads.txt. While you might not have paid advertisements, crawlers may still look for a copy of this file leading to HTTP 404 errors in your logs. To prevent the error and show that you should have no advertisements leading there you can add the file with placeholder values as follows:

In the root of your website, create a new file with the name ads.txt.

#ads.txt - no DIRECT or RESELLER, placeholder, DIRECT, placeholder 

NOTE: If you ever do use an advertiser, they will generally inform you as to changes to make to this file.