META Tag ‘MSThemeCompatible’

Okay, so this one’s a little old, and I just found it while looking at some of Microsoft Update’s HTML source, it appears to be relevant for MSIE6 and newer and may be responsible for some interesting styling and behaviour of form components.

A quick search for it turns up lots of discussions about other browers such as Firefox being effected if the value is not defined… as such it’s likely a good idea to define it in your pages to be sure.

An old MSDN entry reads…

When running on Windows XP, Internet Explorer 6 and the content displayed in it sports a look and feel that matches the Windows XP platform. You can opt to have your HTML content not take on the same look as the operating system for elements such as buttons and scroll bars, by adding the following META tag:
<meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="no" />

Setting this will disable theme support for the document. Some background on this, Windows XP (MSIE6) allows for the use of themes for the operating system to change the general color scheme of many elements.
As such, many HTML components (such as SELECT dropdowns, BUTTONS and INPUT fields ‘MAY’ also be effected if you don’t explicitly prevent it in your code.

There was some support for this in Mozilla Firefox builds for Windows, as such, while I’d normally recommend using a conditional comment, I’m torn in this case.


MSIE browser testing

Testing web applications with various versions of MSIE (Internet Explorer) often proves problematic as it’s generally not possible to have more than one version installed on a single Windows installation. There are various approaches, such as:

  • Having an entire test lab with different browser configurations.
  • More often, it’s also possible to run a set of virtual machines on a single desktop.
  • Another option is to find a package that ‘hacks’ around some of the Windows limitations and installs (at least partially) the browser rendering capabilities.

NOTE: the final method above has some quirks, but you can generally use it for preliminary testing by developers as it’s obviously easier to maintain.

Here are a few common packages that I’m aware of:

Happy testing!

Apache Tomcat Native Library (APR)

If you have ever looked at the console or logs while starting a Tomcat instance on Windows you have probably seen the following line about APR.

INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path

As long as the “tcnative-1.dll”  is in the Windows PATH, generally you can place it in c:\windows\system32, but any other location in the PATH will work should you need it to be portable, or have different versions in use.

NOTE: Other Operating Systems use a similar approach as Windows to add an environmental variable, optionally you can also add the appropriate location to the “java.library.path” attribute used when calling the VM, if you are more technically inclined. Also, be aware of 32 vs. 64 bit architectures when selecting your version!


ReplayTV Internet Video Sharing (IVS)

ReplayTV, as a predecessor to the commonly known Tivo had two features that ultimately lead to the companies undoing:

  1. Commercial Advance (automatic)
  2. Internet Video Sharing

Obviously, advertisers did not like the first feature, and movie studios did not like the second. As these boxes could easily share ‘anything’ that they could receive it was/is relatively easy to send video that was captured from cable networks or DVDs over an internet connection.

Mind you that sharing is not as easy as it is over the file sharing networks, user interaction is required to both send and recieve files, and that process is far slower than most people would be willing to wait if they just wanted to ‘pirate’ something.

Several years ago, when I first purchased my unit, it was easy to go to to remotely manage my hardware, that service is now gone but in it’s absence there have been some creative solutions.

My ReplayTV (5xxx) ISN: 00004-54831-42373

Test your connection (or mine):

Merry Christmas!

Windows NTFS Performance

For a very long time I was perplexed as to why my old 900Mhz Pentium-3 server outperformed many of my newer and faster machines, even when they all were running with essentially the same amount of memory and had the same 7200rpm hard-drives.

I recently realized that over the years, I had optimized the WindowsXP NTFS registry settings with a variety of software and manual edits, and thus had essentially changed the way that windows works with the drive itself.

Here are the current settings that these machines utilize, perhaps you can try them for yourselves:

WARNING: You need to be confortable making edits to your registry to do these changes, as such I will not document ‘how’ to open the registry itself, you can easily find that info anyways.  These are all DWORD settings.


  • DisableNTFSLastAccessUpdate  = 1
  • NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation = 1
  • NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate = 1
  • NtfsMftZoneReservation = 2


Linux kernel updates without reboot

Here’s another great reason to use Linux over Windows.    Ksplice Uptrack provides for runtime patching of the Linux kernel without rebooting of the machine.  This has great advantages where you need to maintain the security of a server but have limited opportunites to reboot due to SLA’s (Service Level Agreements).   Ubuntu Linux was the first supported operating system, other variants are now available too, though often for a fee.

Dotless IP Address

This is a concept I had forgotten about until recently, it can often serve as a simple means of code obfuscation and is also sometimes referred to as “Decimal Address”.

Some background:

  • DNS is used to convert a URL/domain name into an IP address that is used to contact the remote machine.
    localhost = =
  • IP addresses (as IPv4) are represented as groups of 4 hexadecimal or decimal octets.
  • Those numbers can be plugged into a simple formula to be represented as a single large integer.

As such, you can use the following as equivalents:

  • http://localhost
  • http://2130706433


JavaScript StringBuffer

Eventually, you come to a point where the performance of JavaScript becomes an issue.  Most modern browsers have made significant improvements  in their javascript engines, unfortunately Microsoft has yet to do the same.  MSIE’s (at least up to and including MSIE8)  javascript performance lags far behind Mozilla/Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera.

String concatenation is extremely slow in MSIE,  but arrays are generally fast… as such it’s often beneficial to implement an object similar to the Java StringBuffer (or StringBuilder) for JavaScript.

The StringBuffer implementation… you can customize to make it more functional, but this is the core:

function StringBuffer(){
this.buffer = [];
StringBuffer.prototype.append = function append(string){
return this;
StringBuffer.prototype.toString = function toString(){
return this.buffer.join(“”);


function example_slow(x1,x2,x3){
var rc = x1;
return rc;

function example_fast(x1,x2,x3){
var sb = new StringBuffer();
return sb.toString();



Data URL’s (aka HTML Inline Images)

Here’s a useful trick for minimizing server HTTP connections, unfortunately it’s not universally supported so you will need to provide alternate methods for non-supporting browsers (such as MSIE).

This works by placing the content of the image into the URL itself, as such there’s no need to open up a new server connection and no extra caching at any tier.

<img src=” /ge8WSLf/rhf/3kdbW1mxsbP//mf///yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAQAA4AAARe8L1Ekyky67QZ1hLnjM5UUde0ECwLJoExKcppV0aCcGCmTIHEIUEqjgaORCMxIC6e0CcguWw6aFjsVMkkIr7g77ZKPJjPZqIyd7sJAgVGoEGv2xsBxqNgYPj/gAwXEQA7″ alt=”embedded folder icon” width=”16″ height=”14″ />

Enable .htaccess on Apache HTTPD Server

Occasionally, there becomes a need to expose the use of the .htaccess file to the domains hosted on your Apache server. This technique is particularly useful when you host websites for external clients (or developers).

The steps to enable it are relatively easy,

  • Uncomment the ‘httpd.conf’ line that reads as:

    LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

  • Review (and replace as appropriate) all cases of :

    AllowOverride None with AllowOverride All

    in the following files:
    httpd.conf, /extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, /extra/httpd-autoindex.conf and any related files you may be using.

  • Add the .htaccess file into the appropriate websites/folders
  • Restart the server to accept the changes

NOTE: If you develop or host on Windows, you’ll likely have problems creating the file because there is no filename, just a file extension. You can create (or download) it from any non-Windows host and use it without additional changes. Apache does let you use a different filename, but you also need to be careful to update related security configuration that is used to prevent download of such files.

Happy hosting!