There comes a time in web application development that you need to ‘timeout’ idle users. This comes in a variety of ways, here’s a few common reasons that you may desire this activity.
- Security – you don’t want to leave sensitive data on a users screen when they’ve gone to lunch or left for the day.
- Server Resources – persisting/keeping an active ‘session’ available on the server takes resources (the exact type varies, but this is usually database, memory or file resources)
- Server ‘enforced’ session timeout’s and the potential errors and lost data experienced by the users in that circumstance.
My personal approach to this has evolved over time, here’s a brief synopsis:
- Use standard server-side session timeout, often leading to a bad user experience when they loose data on a form submit.
- Use META REFRESH…where timeout is in seconds, in this example it’s 60 seconds (1 minute).
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60;url=" />
Use javascript 'timeout' (problem is that this is not 'measureable')
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout("javascript:myTimeout();",minutes*60000); // code minutes
Use javascript countdown timer and custom code event.
<title>Timeout example</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var build=’testing’;
var timerID = 0;
var loadTime = null;
var stopTime = null;
function xload(){
function xclose(){
function grvMillis(){
return new Date().getTime();
// Start timer
function grvTimerUpdate(){
timerID = grvTimerClear(timerID);
if(loadTime == null){
loadTime=grvMillis();// Start Time
// Calculate Current Time in seconds
var timeNow = grvMillis();
var think = calcMinSec( calcTimeDiff(timeNow,loadTime) );
var remain = calcMinSec( calcTimeDiff(stopTime,timeNow) );
grvWindowStatus(build + ” ” + think + ” ” + remain );
timerID = setTimeout(“grvTimerUpdate()”,1000);
function calcMinSec(diff){
var mm = removeDecimal(diff/60);
var ss = zeroPad(removeDecimal(diff-(mm*60)),2);
return (mm + “:” + ss);
function calcTimeDiff(tmpStart,tmpStop){
var diff = (tmpStart – tmpStop)/1000;
return diff;
function removeDecimal(val){
var rc=””;
val = val + “”;
var pos = val.indexOf(“.”);
if(pos > -1){
} else {
return rc;
function zeroPad(x,sz){
x = x + “”;
while(x.length < sz){
x = “0” + x;
return x;
function grvTimerClear(x){ // this clears a timer from the queue
x = 0;
return x;
function grvSetTimeout(){
var min=45; xID=grvTimeout(“javascript:grvTimeoutUSER()”,min); // EXAMPLE: this could be conditional!
stopTime = grvCalculateTimeout(min);
function grvCalculateTimeout(mins){
var timeNow = grvMillis();
var exp = timeNow + (mins*60*1000);
var timeExp = new Date(exp).getTime();
return timeExp;
function grvTimeout(x,minutes){ // this sets a timer(request) in a queue
return setTimeout(x,minutes*60000);
function grvTimeoutUSER(){
alert(‘Session Inactivity Timeout [USER]’);
function grvWindowStatus(txt){
<body onunload=”xclose();” onload=”xload();”>
Another benefit of this last solution is that you also have access to the user “Think Time” and can therefore measure how long the user spends on a given page.